Track installation of the Madrid-Barcelona-French Border HSL. Section: Girona-Figueras. Spain

Spain / Madrid - Barcelona
  • 30,7 km of double track
  • 21 viaducts
  • 9,2 km of tunnels

Execution of five sections platform projects with a length of 30.7 km of standard-gage double track, of which 4.1 km run over a total of 21 viaducts and 9.2 km through a total of 6 tunnels.

Basic units

  • 70,146 m. Installation of two rails on slab track or on ballast, with the associated units of sleepers, ballast and concrete
  • 1,216 units aluminothermic welding
  • For track devices, 8 crossovers, 18 half-crossovers and 22 expansion devices